Well buying Online is no doubt a more convenient way to buy products and that too at much lower prices. But this does nt work for all products.
After selling Maxsell products Online for almost a year through leading Online portals, We found it was too difficult to provide quality after Sales Support to our customers to ensure long term performance of the product. Hence We decided and Quit selling Online only to ensure that Customer Satisfaction is the key to Every Sale & We must not compromise on that.
Our study proved that the Satisfaction Quotient of Customers buying through Authorized Dealers is relatively higher from those who purchased Online.
We Recommend you to Buy from Authorized Dealers located Near You – Click here to locate Dealer
- Buying from Authorized Dealers You can Demand Direct after Sales Service.
- You can see & understand Maxsell product before you purchase.
- Avoid any hassles of landing up with damaged product or under performing products
- Authorized dealers have trained engineers & stock Original Parts to quicken services to You.
- Authorized Dealers will help in providing Personal Rapport with its Customers.
Prices of Authorized Dealers can be slightly higher than Online Sellers, because:
- Support cost is added in the price So that they can ensure best buying experience with customer every time.
- They employee trained engineers to fix problems at the customer site to avoid delay in services.
- Every service is door step delivered.
We do not have any agreement with these Online portals to Sell or Support. If any Customer buys it Online, Its at His / Her Own Risk. Most Online portals have started opting sales through unprofessional suppliers without ensuring their Support capacity.
Take A Decision that can help you get More Support for Long Term.Click here to Find Your Local Dealer Now